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The Importance of Graphic Design in Your Business

Regardless of whether you are just starting out as a graphic designer or you are an experienced one, learning the basics of digital printing can be useful in many situations. From design concepts to color theory, there are many things you can learn about digital printing and use for your own projects. CMYK vs digital…

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Types of Binding: Which One Meets Your Needs

There are many different types of binding services. These services may be local, which means they only work within the same process or application. A local service can also be called “indefinite” to let the user continue playing music. Similarly, a music player application may have activities bound to a service. If a user leaves…

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Book Binding: Complete Guide to Bookbinding Methods

A book’s spine and pages are bound by screws. A bookbinder uses a vise to hold the pages in place while inserting a piece of wire into a “closer” or vice. The wire is then crimped into a round shape. This keeps the pages from shifting and the spine hidden. In addition to the different…

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